Vennesday XXVIII – You Are Human

Buckle up kiddies, this one is going to get stupid in a hurry. Did you know there is no licensing procedure involved with becoming an online blogger who thinks he’s funny? Honestly, anyone that has access to the internet, can create a blog (for free) and write anything. Even completely unfunny Venn diagrams that were intended get laughs. Sorry.

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Fun Flag Fact Friday – Scotland and Nova Scotia

If I were tasked with creating a flag I’d be trying to weave together a final product that combined national identity, symbolism, and artistry into something unique.  Unfortunately the process of creating a provincial flag occasionally boils down to someone saying, “Hey! That country has something that looks pretty nice – let’s do that!” Like…..

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Dear Scotland:

Dear Scotland,

As I write this the good people of your country are deciding “should Scotland be an independent country”, since I cannot actually see the future I’ve written two letters to you as the duly appointed representative of the great nation of Canada to the good people of Scotland. Enjoy! (Please ignore the letter to the side that came in second place)


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