Vennesday XX – Islamic State Week

It’s Islamic State Week here on the blogcast, and what theme week would be complete without a Venn diagram? I’m still kicking myself for not jumping on the Shark Week / Sharknado bandwagon this year.  It was a careless over site, one I hope not to repeat next year, unless I’ve gotten bored of writing or I forget or get busy or something. By they way, check out my kicking new Islamic State flag made specifically for this post. Neat, right? Venn time!

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On achieving a pointless accomplishment II…

All the magnetic schedules, ticket stubs, and random crap gathered from the 2013-14 AJHL season.

Where are schedules from the Saints, Bobcats, Kodiaks, and Canucks?

Over the course of the 2013-14 AJHL season I set, and achieved, the goal of attending a game in every team’s home building.  Not because I love any specific team (although I’ve adopted the Sherwood Park Crusaders), not because I knew anyone playing in the league (although I’ve adopted a Cru defenseman as a favorite player), and not because I can’t afford to go to more prestigious hockey games (tier 1 fan).  I decided to do this because I randomly had a couple really good AJHL experiences last season and because I needed a hobby this winter.  Something combining my love of travel, driving, hockey, and arbitrary goals gave birth to perhaps the dumbest and coolest thing I’ve ever done.

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